Our connect groups are now meeting in-person. If you are interested in joining a group, please sign up below or get in touch with the office.
Connect Groups are a great opportunity for you to make great friends in a relaxing environment whilst developing your relationship with God at your own pace.
We chat over refreshments, pray together, discuss God’s word and just generally have a lot of fun - it’s an exciting community to be a part of! Connect groups generally happen on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, although we also have 2 daytime groups that meets on a Monday and Friday mornings.
We have groups right across the area, you can see where they are and sign up for a group below (please note that vanues do change from time to time).
Connect groups are more than just groups that meet every couple of weeks; they are a major part of our pastoral care structure and we would love for everyone who calls Excel Church their home to join one.