As humans, we are quick to forget God's goodness, faithfulness, favour, blessings and many more. This is especially true when we are faced with difficult situations or unanswered prayers. Quite often, our attitude bears a lot of similarity to those of the children of Israel who Moses led out of the wilderness. They experienced God's protection by being unharmed by the ten plagues (Exodus 7-11). They also experienced God's favour, because despite initially hardening his heart, Pharaoh allowed them to take all they wanted when they were leaving Egypt (Exodus 12:36). In addition, they also saw God's faithfulness and deliverance when he caused them to walk on dry land through the red sea, allowing the Egyptian enemies pursuing them to drown (Exodus 14: 5- 31) and many more. Yet, when they encountered any problem, they always complained and sought to go back to Egypt.
Psalms 103 warns us not to forget God's benefits. There are some benefits and blessings listed in that chapter, but if we take time to reflect, we will recollect many more great things that God has done for us.
Today, take time to make a list of God's many blessings - healings, favour, successes and many more. Aim to add to this list daily and label the list "my forget not...". Whenever another challenge or unanswered prayer presents itself, begin your prayer by being thankful for the things on your list. Then thank God in advance because you know He will come through for you, because He is always a good God. He never changes.